The Art and Science of Fitness Training for Tennis (Or “How I Survived 9 Days of Tennis Camp”) When I started playing tennis seriously 4 years ago, the last thing I was concerned about was my “fitness.” I had been in the habit of working out...
To Grunt or Not to Grunt: An Amateur Tennis Player’s Dilemma If you love tennis, you’ve undoubtedly participated in at least one heated debate about “grunting” (or, in some cases more appropriately, “shrieking”). Should it be...
Recipe for Good Tennis: Positive Thinking, Perspective– and Puppies By P.J. SimmonsIf you’re serious about improving your tennis game, you already know that tennis inevitably comes with tons of frustrations, heartaches, and injuries. We tennis players have to...
How to Cure Tennis Elbow (and Golfer’s Elbow) in 5 Minutes a Day By P.J. SimmonsCount your blessings if you’ve never had tennis elbow (aka “computer elbow” or “mouse elbow” because it also strikes folks who spend hours at the...
Ball Machines Are Better with Music (And So is My Game) For about a year I’ve been spending about an hour a week alone on the court with a ball machine. There’s no way around it: to make technique automatic, you need to hit a lot of balls– and a ball...
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